
Sugar Specs

The Stunner 04
Purple Blue

Price: $349.00 $289.00

8 Pairs in Stock at
Beachwood Boutique
8 Pairs in Stock at
Westlake Boutique
Authorized Retailer of Sugar Specs
  • Sugar Specs - The Stunner 04 Purple Blue
  • Sugar Specs - The Stunner 04 Purple Blue
  • Sugar Specs - The Stunner 04 Purple Blue
  • Sugar Specs - The Stunner 04 Purple Blue
  • Sugar Specs - The Stunner 04 Purple Blue

The Stunner - This surprise petite cat-eye is a beautiful look on smaller faces. An unapologetic dramatic lift is finished with a rounded bottom to provide a playful sense of fun and mischief. Whether you’re a student, a banker, or a librarian, bring out your wild side.

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